
The Generic Structure is a general pattern or layout of a text that helps the reader understand its content. It refers to the common and recurring organization of the main elements in a particular type of text. Each text type has its own typical generic structure that guides the writer in presenting the information in a logical. Understanding the Generic Structure of a text can help the reader predict its content and make it easier to comprehend. The main elements that make up the Generic Structure can vary depending on the text type, but they typically include introduction, body, and conclusion.


Terms Used In Generic Structure

  1. Introduction: the opening section that contains the background and purpose of the text.
  2. Orientation: the opening part that contains the background or setting of the story or Tale.
  3. Thesis: the opening part that contains the statement to be proved or accepted as a basis for argument.
  4. Body: the main part that contains information and discussion.
  5. Identification: part that contains a description or identification of the nature, characteristics, or characteristics of an object, place, or person.
  6. Description: part that contains an explanation of the nature, characteristics, or characteristics of an object, place, or person.
  7. Events: a section that contains a sequence of events or occurrences.
  8. Arguments: the part that contains a proposition or evidence to prove a statement or thesis.
  9. Counter Arguments: the part that contains arguments that are opposite to the main argument.
  10. Conclusion: the final part that contains the summary and conclusion of the text.
  11. Reorientation: the final part that contains the division of a story or story.
  12. Etc.

The terms vary according to the type of text discussed. Understanding these terms helps the reader understand and predict the content of the text.

Types Of English Texts That Have A Generic Structure

1. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a type of text that aims to describe a person, place, thing, or event in detail.

The general structure of the descriptive text includes:

  • Identification: introduces the depicted subject.
  • Description: provides detailed information about the characteristics, features and qualities of the subject.
  • Conclusion: re-quote the description and emphasize the most important aspects of the subject.


2. Narrative Text

Narrative text is a type of text that tells a story or recounts events. It has a clear sequence of events and often includes characters, setting, and plot.

 The Generic Structure of a narrative text typically includes:

  • Orientation: introduces the characters, setting, and time of the story.
  • Complication: presents a problem or conflict that the characters face.
  • Resolution: shows how the problem or conflict is resolved.
  • Reorientation: provides a conclusion or summary of the events and characters.


3. Expository Text

Expository text is a type of text that is written to inform, explain, or describe a topic or idea. It is characterized by clear and concise language, a neutral tone, and a focus on objective information.

The Generic Structure of an expository text typically includes:

  • Introduction: presents the topic and provides background information.
  • Body: presents the main ideas and supporting details.
  • Conclusion: summarizes the main ideas and restates the thesis statement.


4. Argumentative Text

Argumentative text is a type of text that presents a claim or argument and supports it with evidence and reasoning.

The Generic Structure of an argumentative text typically includes:

  • Introduction: presents the topic and provides background information.
  • Thesis statement: presents the writer's main argument or claim.
  • Body: presents the evidence and reasoning that supports the argument.
  • Counter argument: presents opposing viewpoints and refutes them.
  • Conclusion: summarizes the main argument and restates the thesis statement.


5. Discussion Text

Discussion text is a type of text that presents a topic for debate or discussion. It presents different viewpoints on a particular issue and provides evidence and reasoning to support each viewpoint.

The Generic Structure of a discussion text typically includes:

  • Introduction: presents the topic and provides background information.
  • Arguments for: presents the arguments in favor of a particular viewpoint.
  • Arguments against: presents the arguments against a particular viewpoint.
  • Counterargument and rebuttal: presents opposing viewpoints and refutes them.
  • Conclusion: summarizes the main arguments and presents a balanced assessment of the issue.


6. Report Text

Report text is a type of text that provides information about a specific topic or event. It is characterized by clear and concise language, a neutral tone, and a focus on objective information.

The Generic Structure of a report text typically includes:

  • Title: states the topic of the report.
  • Introduction: presents the purpose of the report and provides background information.
  • Body: presents the main ideas and supporting details in a logical and organized manner.
  • Conclusion: summarizes the main ideas and provides recommendations or future prospects.
  • Recommendation/Conclusion: presents suggestions for action or further research.


7. News Item Text

News item is a type of text that reports on current events, often in a concise and straightforward manner.

The Generic Structure of a news item text typically includes:

  • Lead: provides a brief and attention-grabbing summary of the event.
  • Background information: provides additional information about the event, including its causes and consequences.
  • Details: provides a more in-depth and comprehensive account of the event.
  • Quotes: provides direct quotes from relevant sources, such as eyewitnesses or experts.
  • Conclusion: summarizes the main points of the story and provides additional information about future developments.


8. Procedure Text

Procedure text is a type of text that provides step-by-step instructions for carrying out a specific task or process.

 The Generic Structure of a procedure text typically includes:

  • Goal: states the purpose of the procedure and the expected outcome.
  • Materials: lists the materials needed to carry out the procedure.
  • Steps: provides clear and concise instructions for each step of the procedure.
  • Time/Sequence: indicates the order in which the steps should be carried out.
  • Caution/Warning: provides warnings or safety information regarding the procedure.


9. Description Of People, Places, Or Things

A description of people, places, or things is a type of text that provides information about a specific person, place, or object.

 The Generic Structure of a description of people, places, or things typically includes:

  • Identification: identifies the person, place, or thing being described.
  • Physical/Appearance description: provides a detailed description of the appearance and physical characteristics of the person, place, or thing.
  • Characteristics/Qualities: provides information about the personality, behavior, or other unique qualities of the person, or the features and characteristics of the place or thing.
  • Evaluation/Opinion: provides the writer's personal opinion or evaluation of the person, place, or thing being described.
