Understanding Introduction

Introduction means introduction. Usually this Expression introduces data about oneself and others. Introduction usually describes identity such as name, age, place and date of birth, religion, etc. Introduction is usually used when someone is in a new place, when they want to start a presentation, or when they host an event.

A. Greeting

Before the introduction we do greetings first

For example:

  1. Hello everyone/everybody
  2. Good morning
  3. How are you doing?

B. Self Introduction

A self-introduction explains who you are, what you do and what others need to know about you.

1.      Introduction

  •  Let me introduce my self
  • I would like to introducemyself/ I’d like introduce myself
  • (for more polite sentences)

2.      Name

  •  My name is Syahrani
  • I am Syahrani
  • You can call me Syah or Rani
  • My nickname Syah or Rani

3.      Location

  • I am from Cirebon
  • I live at
  • (if you want to use "I live at" then you have to mention the address in detail)
  • e.g “I live at Fatahillah Street No.40, Watubelah, Sumber”

Additional Introduction

4.      Age

  • I am eighteen years old
  • My age is eighteen years old

5.      Hobbies

  • I like listening to kpop music
  • My hobby is sleep

6.      Profession

  • I am a student of Muhammadiyah University at Cirebon

C. Introducing Others

I would like to introduce you to...

Let me introduce you to...

I would like you to meet...

I want to introduce you to...

Hi Erna, This is Soni, Soni, this is Erna.


For example:

Syah: Hi, Taehyung. I would liket to introduce you to my brother. This is Iqbal.

Taehyung: Hi, Iqbal. How do you do?

Daonah: Hello, Tuny. How do you do?


