
Making Infarences

Making inferences is the process of drawing conclusions or deducing information that is not explicitly stated in a text, speech, or situation. It involves using background knowledge, contextual clues, and critical thinking skills to infer the intended meaning or unspoken information. The goal of making inferences is to understand and interpret what is happening or what was said in a more complete and accurate way.


Paraphrasing is the act of rewording or rephrasing text, speech, or information in a way that retains the original meaning. It involves expressing the same ideas or information in a new way, using different words, phrases, or sentence structures. The goal of paraphrasing is to clarify complex information, avoid plagiarism, and improve comprehension by presenting information in a way that is easier to understand. Paraphrasing requires an understanding of the original text and the ability to express the same ideas in a new and different way.


Summarizing is the process of condensing a text or speech into a shorter and more concise version that captures its essential meaning and main points. A summary is a way of presenting information in a compact and easily digestible form, and is useful for quickly conveying the most important information from a longer text. To create a summary, one must be able to identify and extract the most important information from the text, and present it in a clear and concise way. A good summary should retain the original meaning of the text and accurately represent its key ideas, but should leave out any irrelevant or redundant information. Summarizing is a valuable skill for improving reading comprehension, synthesizing information, and preparing for exams or presentations.


Examples Of Making Infarences, Paraphrasing, Summarizing

Making Inferences:

  • A student sees their teacher carrying a large box of books and assumes that they must be preparing for a lesson.
  • A reader of a mystery novel concludes that the protagonist is lying based on their behavior and tone of voice.


  • Original text: "The cat chased the mouse around the room."
  • Paraphrased: "The mouse was pursued by the feline as it ran around the room.
  • Original text: "John has been feeling stressed lately."
  • Paraphrased: "John has experienced stress recently."


  • Original text: "The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to access information, connect with others, and complete tasks quickly and easily. However, it has also raised concerns about privacy, security, and the spread of misinformation."
  • Summary: "The internet plays a significant role in our daily lives, providing easy access to information and connections, but it also raises privacy and security concerns and spreads misinformation."
